Jumat, 22 Juli 2016


ABSTRACTDevi Nurbaiti, 11212926
ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT ON THE LEVEL OF SERVICE OF HOSPITAL PATIENT SATISFACTION IN HOSPITAL PORT OF JAKARTA.Scientific Writing, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma, 2015Keywords: Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality.(Xiv + 67 + attachment)Consumer satisfaction is the degree to which the notion of product performance will be in line with expectations of a buyer. When lebh product performance far lower than the expectations of customers, the buyers are not satisfied. When performing according to expectations or exceeded expectations, buyers were satisfied or very happy (Philip Kotler, 2004).The sampling technique was conducted sample random sampling. Respondents were taken in this study of 100 respondents inpatients at the Hospital of the Port of Jakarta. The data used is primary data which includes five dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction. Data analysis using Chi Square.Results of the research Jakarta Hospital authors to conclude that patients who were hospitalized in the port of Jakarta are satisfied with the quality of services provided, after analysis by the Likert method.Bibliography (2000-2008)

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