Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Makanan Khas Sumatra Selatan

            Saturday I was with my boyfriend went to Pempek Gaby at 18:30 pm. At that time I ordered submarrine, lenjer, and tekwan. Pempek gaby very famous for its pempek because it is one of the specialties of South Sumatra. Submarrine have the most famous types pempek both in and outside of Palembang Palembang. Pempek selem vessel or also commonly called pempek telok Besak (by original Pelembang wong). Just like dough pempek more dominated by processed fish meat and starch and then when the dough pizzeria has so ago shaped like a ship selem (bahaso Pelembang) / submarine (Indonesian) / submarrine (English) and then the middle - the center is filled with eggs and boiled until cooked and then fried. Pempek selem ships will be very delicious when eaten with vinegar sauce. Pempek lenjer the same basic dough as for submarrine, the difference in pempek lenjer dough rectangle formed by angle - the angle is oval and not combined or filled with eggs.
            Historically, there have been pempek Palembang in Palembang since the influx of Chinese immigrants to Palembang, which is around the 16th century, when Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II ruled in Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. Empek name-empek or pempek believed to come from the appellation "musty", the term for the old man of Chinese descent. Based on folklore, around the year 1617 a 65-year-old musty living in the Assembly (banks of Musi River) are concerned witnessed abundant catch of fish in the river Musi. The catch is it has not been entirely put to good use, merely fried and dipindang. The musty then tried other treatment alternatives. He minced fish meat mixed with tapioca flour, so that the resulting new foods. The new food sold by the musty by cycling around the city. Therefore, the seller called "the pitch musty", then the food came to be known as empek-empek or pempek.
            Well, anyway, for who has not in the know, it tekwan where the food anyway? According to wikipedia Indonesian, tekwan typical Palembang is a soup dish made of fish and sago are made in small size, and presented using shrimp soup with a distinctive taste. Tekwan are usually complementary vermicelli, sliced ​​yam and mushrooms and sprinkled with chopped onion, celery, and onions fried. Can be nominated for the yak how delish? : D

                                kapal selam&lenjer                                           tekwan